Underwriting a Tricky Motor Fleet Risk
Century successfully underwrote a new motor fleet risk for a leading provider of furnishing services to the private and social housing market. The client, based in Greater London, specialised in the wholesale of upholstered furniture and household goods.
Working with complex claims history.
The motor fleet risk presented several challenges for Century. The client required comprehensive insurance coverage for their 16-vehicle fleet, which included a range of newly acquired transportation vans as well as a high-value sports car. Additionally, the client had a complicated claims history, including two thefts of vehicles. Despite the broker’s efforts, they couldn’t find a cost-competitive quote for their client. Moreover, the existing policy was due to expire within days, requiring immediate assistance.
To address the client’s needs and challenges, Century worked closely with the broker to devise a solution. Recognising the importance of taking a view on the risk rather than simply declining it, Century aimed to provide a robust and sensible option to meet the client’s requirements at a viable cost. As part of the solution, Century proposed the installation of cameras for the vehicles, enhancing security measures and thus reducing risk.
The insured client was highly satisfied with the new policy provided by Century. By offering a comprehensive solution that included additional measures to reduce their premium, Century demonstrated their commitment to meeting the client’s unique needs. The successful underwriting of the motor fleet risk showcased Century’s expertise in navigating complex situations and their dedication to working closely with broker partners.
Century’s collaboration with the broker resulted in a successful resolution for the challenging motor fleet risk. The tailored solution, combined with Century’s commitment to going the extra mile, ensured the client’s satisfaction and solidified Century’s reputation as a reliable and innovative Motor Fleet Insurance MGA.
If you want to learn how Century can help you retain more business, get in touch with us today. Contact Ian White – 01245 905 104 / ian@centuryuw.co.uk